Roberto Lipari was born in Palermo on 12 September 1990, which makes him 31 good looking years. Roberto is a young stand-up comedian, born in the ranks of the Palermo comedy workshop “La Carovana Stramba”.
He was in the permanent cast of the historic ZELIG laboratory and manages an all-Palermo Lab at the Cabaret Convent with the comedians Matranga and Minafò, for whom he collaborated on the texts for MADE IN SUD on Rai 2.
He won the first edition of EXCEPTIONAL REALLY “, the comic talent of La7, beating the competition of hundreds of comedians who performed during the episodes.
In the final, which saw 18 competitors perform, Lipari, with its hilarious performance, beat everyone, obtaining the highest marks from the four judges: Diego Abatantuono, Selvaggia Lucarelli, Paolo Ruffini and the guest of honour Pupi Avati, winning thus a two-year exclusive contract with Colorado Film for 100 thousand euros.
He is currently part of the cast of COLORADO broadcast on Italia 1. in his hilarious live show, he manages to make people laugh, wins over the audience and draws applause as few can do.